Sunday, February 20, 2011

Unstoppable on Blue Ray

So my husband came home all excited to watch another nail bitter film on the flat screen. This week's selection is Denzel's latest flick "Unstoppable". From the start the concept in film reminded that of "Training Day" with everything occurring in one day and Denzel accompanied by a younger attractive counterpart.

But that is where the similarities stop. In this film, the antagonist appears to be the train but it certainly aided by a corporation that cares more about the bottom line than human life. Both Denzel and his counterpart are thrust into this position of having to work with each other.

"Frank", as Denzel is known in the film, is charged with training a new conductor played by Chris Pine. Their training session sets them on a collision course with a runaway train. Rather than stand by and risk the lives of thousands of residents in their community, Frank decides to try and stop the train. While I won't give away the ending, I enjoyed watching the story unfold.

The director did a great job keep me engaged with limited camera angles in the small train compartment.  There was ample aerial shots that really offered a glimpse of how dangerous a runaway train could be.

All and all definitely a must see.........

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