Wednesday, March 23, 2011

In Defense of Libya's Gadhafi

Minister Louis Farrakhan, one of America’s most polarizing figures, offered a stern warning to the President during a recent radio address. The warning comes on the heels of NATO’s decision to intervene in Libya.

“Be careful how you manipulate the dissatisfaction in Libya and other parts of the Muslim world” stressed Farrakhan.

The warning addresses military operations that commenced on March 20,2011 led by President Obama with the assistance of NATO. The stated plan is to create a no fly zone in Libya. Military leadership refer to the exercise as Operation Odyssey Dawn which includes air strikes on strategic strongholds of the Libyan dictator Muammar Gadhafi.

Never one to shy away from his truth regardless if people label it as incendiary, Minister Farrakhan further explained that the US has ulterior motives for entering Libya.   

“Don't tell me and wise Black people or White people that you're interested in Black suffering. Where were you in Rwanda? Where are you in the Congo? Why did you go to Darfur? Because oil is there! No, you don't want to save the Libyan people, that's your noble motive to hide your wicked agenda."

For those too young to remember, Farrakhan leads the Nation of Islam. It is an American group of Black Muslims that focus on Black Nationalism and commitment to what the Koran teaches. Elijah Muhammad founded the group in 1930. It spiked in popularity as blacks in the Civil Rights era searched for alternatives in leadership and spirituality. Most notable past members include Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali.

Renee Muhammad, a long time follower of the Nation offered additional insight into latest bone of contention for the Minister.

She declares that “[Minister Farrakhan] calls it like he sees it… He opens up every speech in the name of God”.

When questioned about the minister’s association with Muammar Gadhafi, she admits that Gadhafi is not without faults.

“He will have to answer to God for those faults. But what I am saying is that it is not America’s position to go and decide that he has to go…. That is like me telling you what you can do in your own house.”

With such damming evidence piling up on Gadhafi it is difficult to believe that he has any friends left. However, Minister Farrakhan has held steadfast in resolve to be loyal. When asked how can he continue justify that connection?

Renee Muhammad declares that people in general should not  “make the evidence fit [the] premise.” Meaning rather than surmise that the explanation offered up as the truth, people must go out and seek the truth for oneself.

Renee Muhammad also points out that in the build up to Iraq, the government offered up evidence that did not come to fruition. She says, “the term red herring comes to mind…The government has done many things to get the people all flurried up about going to war. Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction.”

Whether or not the public agrees with the rhetoric espoused by Farrakhan, one has to admit that it seems a bit odd that calls for increased dialogue are coming not Nobel Peace prize winner President Obama but from Minister Farrakhan as evident by the impassioned plea to the US president.

 “Why don’t you organize a group of respected Americans, and ask for a meeting with Gadhafi? You can’t order him to step down, and get out-who the hell do you think you are, that you can talk to a man that built a country over 42 years, and ask him step down and get out? Can anybody ask you? Well, well there’s a lot, now, [that are] going to ask you to step out of the White House, because they don’t want a Black face in the White House,” said Minister Farrakhan.”

The Minister’s warnings take on an almost ominous tone as he warns of the unrest in our back yard.

He cautioned. “Be careful, brother, how you handle this situation because it is coming to America! It has already started. Look in Wisconsin! Look in Ohio! Look at what’s going on in your country! And remember your words because the American people are rising against their own government: It’s not Muslims; it’s not Black people! It’s White militias that are angry with their government, and they are well armed. Are you going to tell them-’Put your arms down, and let’s talk it over peacefully?’ I hope so. But if not, America will be bathed in blood, not because Farrakhan said so, but because the dissatisfaction in America has reached the boiling point.”

Critics of the president’s actions come from both sides of the political aisle as many lament the possibility of the United States engaging in another war. The reasons not to engage are blaring. The economy is still in a precarious position. Unemployment is still high. We are already fighting two wars. In addition, the country is facing budget cuts that will severely impact communities across America. One can only hope cooler heads will prevail even if the message comes in an unanticipated manner.


  1. very interesting post. when the situation is looked at in historical context there is a lot of room for doubt and skepticism.

  2. The fact that we have to get involved is just proof that America runs the world. If we go into Libya people will complain, if we stand by and do nothing people will get mad. Its the cost you pay when you are the boss.

  3. You make a good point about America being a super power. I wonder how long can we continue to maintain that status; if we now throw our weight around using China's money.
