If there was a book that chronicled my life, it would be titled "Transitions". Only a couple of months into this stint in Washington. I am almost overwhelmed with changes. No sun to brighten my days only gloom. No breathtaking views of the ocean only gray. To be honest, It discourages me from leaving my house.
The news is not helping. Just today, several soldiers were killed by a gunman in Frankfurt, Germany as they made their journey to a war zone. Here, I am about to watch my fella board a plane and I am uneasy. To make matters worse a soldier from here is coming home in a body bag. Is there anything positive on the news these days. It makes me think twice about bringing another life into this world.
NPR mentioned today that those protestors who picket military funerals won a supreme court victory. The ruling essentially protects their freedom of speech even in its vulgarity. As a spouse, I am appalled by the behavior and I am not sure how I would react in the same position of the grieving family, but on some level i understand. Freedom of speech is important to our (fragile at times) democracy. Maybe it is time to ignore them in the media. Without a mechanism to spread their hateful speech, maybe they will go away.
I would like to able to blog about things that bring me joy but today I am not in the mood. I think that is why so many people escape into movies. At least, for those couple of hours there are no worries. People can lose themselves in character and things become possible. The guy rescues the girl and they live happily ever after.
I understand what you mean about how people like to lose themselves in movies and their "happily ever afters." I think that's why it's so great that Hollywood has been stepping away from cliches and happy endings more and more often now. With 2010 movies like The Black Swan and The Social Network, which were both huuuge hits and both ended on less-than-joyous notes, I think that means that society might be willing to accept the fact that everything's not always roses and daises. Hahah FINALLY.